Join Mirella at At One Studio for an evening of sacred sound.
Your journey will begin with a guided meditation to ground the body.
We’ll then flow into some vocal toning to balance the body.
Finally transitioning into a sound immersion of sacred sound to completely nourish the body.
This is a non-invasive sound healing experience held in a completely safe space.
Benefits of Sound Healing:
Therapeutic sounds have been used for thousands of years as a non-invasive way to trigger the relaxation response to alleviate symptoms of chronic stress, release suppressed emotions associated with trauma from the past and to harmonise and balance the human bio-field (aura) and chakras (energy wheels).
This healing modality may also be known as healing with audible sound, sound medicine, sound meditation or vibrational medicine. Sound healing sessions can be experienced one on one or in a group setting.
What to expect at a Sound Bath/Sound Immersion:
A sound bath/sound immersion is an event where a group of people come together to bathe in sound. The facilitator may use sacred instruments such as the Tibetan singing bowls, drums, chimes as well as their voice to create and promote a healing and balancing experience. The space where a sound bath/sound immersion is held is set up with Yoga mats, bolsters and blankets. You can sit or lie on your back during this sound healing experience. The space is prepared with a ritual which could simply be the lighting of a candle, smudging with Palo Santo, aromatherapy and/or burning incense. A sound bath/sound immersion runs between 40mins to 1 hour.